A recent widow named Camille falls into a strange, long-distance courtship with a librarian named Delphine, her dead husband's first wife. Then, things get kinky.
Dan and Rhiannon Humes are filmmakers who craft their fans' dreams and fantasies into personalized, custom videos. A fascinating and moving documentary.
Emma suffers from 'Siderodromophilia'. She cannot get aroused unless she is on or around moving trains in Chicago. Her lover, Jake, is desperately trying to normalize her through creative intimacy, but she keeps pulling him into her tortured world.
Instant Intimacy is an interactive rope performance. Kristina Marlen is tying people from the audience. There's no rehearsal; it's a unique experience in bondage.
Malcolm Fetcher is a neurotic, middle-aged teacher lost in a dull marriage with his wife of twenty years. As he faces an all-consuming identity crisis, their marriage disintegrates and he is forced to express a deep, hidden desire...
While browsing the bookstore 19-year-old Gwen is unexpectedly drawn to a volume of kinky erotica, earning her disapproving glares from the other customers.
Trish and Handsome struggle to balance their long-term relationship. The power of love holds them together, but Handsome’s risky and entangled occupation is becoming intolerable for her.
A woman meets a stranger at a bar and he gives her a magic pill. Soon she finds herself down the rabbit hole, entering a dark and erotic fantasy world of Sirens and other lustful creatures. And - amid the orgy - they want her to sign a contract...
Get ready for an all-dancing musical evocation of kink and queerness. This promo video for the 2015 Folsom Street Fair is a little bit like Footloose but with lots of fetish and sex.
A woman visits a used book store and finds herself drawn to the erotica section. A book of Japanese bondage leads her into a sumptuous fantasy involving exhibitionism, BDSM and a hot older woman.
Note: trailer only. This a quirky, amusing animated film about a competent servant who finds himself in the middle of a kinky sexual triangle with his two employers. The movie makes use of an angular, art deco aesthetic.